
Micro-climate weather delivers localised awareness.

Weather is the largest single factor that determines global commodity output, but it is also the most common cause of natural disasters. While there is current weather intelligence on a macro level, finer-scale localised weather data can provide crucial information to avoid unforeseeable outcomes.

Attentis® sensors offer micro-climate weather monitoring including temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction, rainfall and barometric pressure. Delta T, dew point and frost warnings are available through Attentis® intelligent agriculture.

Further to the weather monitoring, Attentis® provides live river height, water movement, water quality and flood monitoring and notification systems.

"Weather forecasts are quite broad, but this brings censored information to a local community and a local person to make a decision. I’ve always believed that better information leads to better decisions."

Craig Lapsley PSM
Former Victorian Emergency Management Commissioner